What Makes Blockchain Technology Secure?

18 Jan 2021

Blockchains are secured through a range of mechanisms including advanced cryptographic protocols and decision-making in mathematical models. Blockchain technology is the internal component of most cryptocurrency systems and that is what prevents the duplication or destruction of this kind of electronic currency. The usage of blockchain technologies is often discussed in other ways where integrity and confidentiality of data are in great value.

Here is what makes blockchain technology secure:

1. Consensus and Immutability

Throughout many attributes performing blockchain-related security, Consensus relates to the ability of the modules within a distributed blockchain network to comply with the network’s true state as well as the transaction validity. Immutability, on the other hand, relates to the ability of blockchains to avoid modification of verified transactions. 

2. Cryptography in Blockchain Security

To achieve the finest security, blockchains rely heavily on cryptography. These output values are called ‘hashes’. It is used for data blocks as special identities within blockchains. Each block’s hash is selected depending on both the data contained within that block and the previous block’s hash. Therefore, any changes made on the data would result in a change from the block’s hash. Every hash identifier plays a significant role in ensuring the safety and immutability of blockchains. 

3. The Cryptoeconomics

Cryptoeconomics helps to ensure the networks are secure. It is connected to a field of research known as the game theory that mathematically models decision-making by stating the individuals in situations where rules and rewards are formulated. Cryptoeconomics is the analysis of economics inside blockchain protocols.

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