The Better Web? – Web3.0

17 Mar 2022

With the current Internet users are all using Web2.0, it is more likely a new successor (Web3.0) will emerge soon in the future. Just like in the past when Web1.0 was published, it dictated the basics of web browsing, but it was just displaying the information statically. As a result, the Web1.0 lasted from 1989 to 2005, then comes the implementation of Web2.0 which is the successor that focuses on user-generated content and targeted to have more user interaction, functionalities and interoperability.

In the following, Web3.0 relevant facts and information is listed:

1. So what is Web3.0?

Currently, Web3.0 is just a built up theory from the Internet, but it is slowly becoming real. Correspondingly, many ways can describe Web3.0, as people from the Internet have different thoughts about it.

Moreover, the term “Decentralized” is widely used in creation implemented on the blockchain, due to it being much more secure and transparent. In fact, the digital users seem to take liking on this concept and gradually progressing into a more decentralized world.

2. Advantages of Web3.0

By actually implementing the idea, Internet users could escape from exploitation from Big Tech Company, as they are the ones that dominate the current web browsing activities, so users’ personal data are under their hands and possibly being one of the revenue generators.

What’s more exciting is that utilization of machine learning is in every corner of Web3.0. Additionally, this application will enhance user experience. This is because artificial intelligence compute results much more faster and accurately. Not only that, it also absorbs and learns along the process.

3. Disadvantage of Web3.0

On the other hand, Web3.0 will present issues as well. Mainly,  due to there is no constraint by any legal authorities. Thus causing illegal activity have no rules and regulation to control them from doing so.

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