8 Emerging Mobile App Trends That Influenced the World

29 Apr 2020

After the growth of number of Mobile App, more and more opportunities in this sector are showing. Hence, multiple mobile app trends are starting to pop out as well and the development of mobile apps is getting better day by day. To succeed in this sector, adapting to the trend is the best way, so here we will show you the 8 Emerging Mobile App Trends that are still popular now:

1. Rise of Cloud Technology

Right now, cloud computing is known by most people. Knowingly, it has dominated all sectors of technology and is extremely useful in all sorts of business activities. Cloud computing works well with both big and small enterprises and it is also known for its fast deployment, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

2. M-Commerce (Mobile-Commerce) Pacing Up

With the growing number of users on mobile devices, m-commerce will succeed in the future. The initial implementation of m-commerce is getting some recognition through the convenience it provides. The technology NFC, Fingerprint recognition helps to authorize payment or transactions faster than ever.

3. Growth of Numbers in Enterprise Mobile Apps

Not to mention, the revenues from consumer-based apps and enterprise-based apps have a significant difference, in which enterprise-based apps are earning much more profit. Thus, the growth of developers towards the enterprise-based apps has also grown to catch up on the waves of the trend to acquire the benefits.

4. In-App Advertising and Purchasing are Getting Common

Many opportunities can be found in mobile applications, including getting extra revenues through In-App advertising and purchasing. For example, provide extra features that function to provide efficiency and convenience for the user that charges a small amount of money per month. You could also charge other businesses to advertise on your mobile application.

5. Security on Application Becomes Necessary

As technology keeps getting advanced day by day, the security should cope with it as well. The top list of apps in Google Play Store are usually the target for the hackers, making cybersecurity extremely important for mobile applications as it could ruin your credibility between the business and customer.

6. High-Quality UX (User Experience) Are Important

Mobile app users don’t just want good functionalities, they do indeed need some eye-catching or user-friendly designs to improve user experience. Besides that, the more personalization an app could get, the greater the user enjoys the process of using the app.

7. IoT Create Opportunities

Nowadays, most activities are using IoT technology and are still increasing. This is due to it provides convenience and efficiency in all sorts of ways. Currently, IoT is integrated into wearable devices like SmartWatch and also household items like SmartBulbs.

8. Innovation on Gaming

Important to note, the expectation of gamers towards gaming is never enough. With the advancement of technology, gamers have high expectations for the future development of games. Due to the great demands on multiplayer games, the number of players has also increased significantly, so games should integrate with newer technology to enhance itself to another level.

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