Usually, most of the tutorial we saw online about online marketing, or how to engage with our audience, what to do to drive traffic into our page is usually for online businesses or product which does not affect anything to the real world, but most of the people here I believe want to know how should you apply that technique into small local business which has the brick and mortar thing related.
So here are 6 simple ways to increase your sales for your local business, and I am not talking about big companies here but your own personal small local business by using Facebook.
And I strongly recommend businesses that have physical products which are needed for a sell-out, or maybe some other things that come with buy and sell purpose to do it on Facebook platform, but not companies that offer services, because service offer businesses are strongly recommended to focus more on SEO instead of Facebook.

1. Engagement
First thing first, engagement is always the first step to start up any Facebook marketing and increase sales. Your number one goal and priority should always be catching the attention of your followers, target audiences and get them to engage with your post. This usually require finesses, great content, know-how and most importantly a little bit of luck and research.
Try creating more interesting content to drive traffic by attracting your audiences to like and follow your page, as well as the content you share. The contents that you post don’t really have to be related to your business at first it can be some motivational quotes or positive vibes video, these are all just content to keep your page active and to drive traffic.
2. Show Off Your Product
After creating content to drive traffic into your page startup, by posting your tangible product and make sure to have an image of it, as your audience right now would want proof and visual of your product and try to appeal your fans with a high-quality photo. For example here is a food business where they upload a picture of 1 of their food in their restaurant.

As you can see a picture like this can actually just make you feel hungry just by looking at it, so when it comes to people nearby the restaurant they might actually be people who would like to try it out and when they are around the street and with this means that you have a successful engagement post and will definitely increase sales.
3. Get More Likes
Well other than just having a high-quality photo, the other thing is to have an engagement on your post is of course to have lots of fans! So….. get more LIKES!
A lot of small business owners get their first burst of likes just by inviting friends or family or some friends they made online to like the page by either posting it on their profile or inviting them via their page.
This is a great way to start, as long as your friends and family engage with your post they could be your potential customer, there is no need to have people like and follow your page but never engage with your post.
So other than just inviting or posting in your profile to ask your friend and family to like your page there is another way that you can do so is to use the Promoted Page Likes feature on your Facebook Page.
You’ll find this just above your cover on the left-hand side.
Since it’s a local business, I would strongly suggest targeting your audience within 20 to 30 miles away from the store, this way its much easier for you to see the increase sales after promoting your page.
4. Run A Contest
People love winning stuff and want it more when they can redeem it locally and immediately.
So, just simply post a text update or a photo and you’re all set to go. Here’s another example from Whizzbangs that I find it great for an online contest.

Instead of just having a free lunch they give out $30 worth of free food, where they allow their customer to pick what they want to eat as long as it’s below $30 this put a value on the prize, and it will also encourage customers to spend more when they come in, as I believe they are more likely to bring a friend or two with them.
5. Boost Your Post
Boosting your post actually helps you generate more revenue easily, and it’s simple and it allows you to track the results. By boosting your post it will create a “Sponsored Story” in the newsfeed of the audiences you targeted which looks natural and non-intrusive to most people. After boosting a post you might receive results and analytics reports regarding the performance of the post. So from there, you can tell that just spending at around $5 for example, it can help you reach out to 814 people who saw this post, and the rest of what you need to do is your persuasion skills.
6. Make It Easy To Contact You
1. Facebook Messages
Make sure the messages feature on your page is turned on – so people can send you a message quickly and easily regarding they are on their computer or mobile device.
Fan page messages are a very crucial feature for a local business as your audience might have lots of inquiries to ask from, as they won’t really care much about your email address but they want a reply as soon as possible from a direct message.
2.Phone Number
As a local business, remember you must have your phone number in the About section, and you should also include a phone number when you create a post, because 99% of your audience only see you in your news feed but not your timeline, so make it easy for them by including your phone number on the post so that they could just call you directly.
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