6 Security Tips for Remote Working

10 Aug 2020

In these few months, many organizations had to succumb to allowing their employees to work from home due to COVID-19. Remote working is a particular challenge for an employer and its employees as it is not as secure as working in an office. So, here we will show you 6 security tips for safer remote working experience :

1. Install an Antivirus Software

Most companies should install antivirus software on their computer. Antivirus programs functions to scan, detect and remove viruses from your device. It can scan specific files for any malware and reduce the risk of being attacked.

2. Create New and Strong Passwords

Hackers are more likely to attack passwords that are weak and short such as “12345”. It is critical for users to create and manage strong passwords due to the advanced nature of password attack tools. A longer password is always more secure than a shorter password as it may give a hacker a harder time to attempt an attack.

3. Use Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VPN is a service that enables users to connect to the internet remotely and it protects your privacy as well as sensitive data. When you use VPN for remote working, all of your data and information are secure. The hackers are not able to attack your server easily.

4. Update Your Software and Systems

Users need to keep updating their software and systems on their computer to enhance its security features and function of the systems that are being executed daily to be more secure. Most cybercriminals would like to attack vulnerable computers such as those that have an older version of a software or systems to perform malicious activities such as spreading viruses and data theft. 

5. Block Suspicious Email or Files

When you receive an anonymous or suspicious email, do not click in and open it. It may contain malicious code. Many cybercriminals use phishing as a weapon to trick victims into believing that it is a real email request from their bank or it is a note from someone in their company and provide them a link or download the attachment. 

6. Shut Down Your Computer After Used

When you leave your computer alone, remember to shut it down. Sometimes, your family members or friends could accidentally send your sensitive data or information to other people and all your documents or files can be easily stolen or attacked.

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